The Real Value Podcast

In this episode, Blaine shares a story he read from Darren Hardy about how vital it is to figure out your ‘why’. Until you figure out why you need, want, absolutely have to accomplish something, you’ll always be struggling. Figure out your why and life moves in that direction. 

Direct download: Its_Not_Your_Baby.mp3
Category:Mindset, Growth, and Success -- posted at: 11:11am EDT

In this episode, Blaine asks one of the most important questions on your road to figuring out what your life’s mission is. Of all the important questions we ask on a daily basis, asking the question, “who needs me?”, is one of the most important to help you get clarity and direction on your life and business. 

Direct download: Who_Needs_You-.mp3
Category:Mindset, Growth, and Success -- posted at: 11:32am EDT

In this episode, Blaine introduces the rules for high quality brainstorming as developed by the founder of the term ‘brainstorming’ in 1941, Alex Osborn. Brainstorming is one of the best ways to create magic and come up with potential life and business changing ideas through creative thinking. The goal is quantity of ideas with no criticism or judgement, and to push past the first third of our thinking to get to the third third, which is where the best ideas live!

Direct download: Searching_For_The_Third_Third.mp3
Category:Mindset, Growth, and Success -- posted at: 9:05am EDT

In this episode, national business and life success coach, Blaine Feyen, explains why most people never get past earning a certain dollar amount and the errors in thinking about dollars per hour. Blaine teaches the listener how to shift your thinking from dollars per hour to dollars per minute, along with a whole new way to look at high value activities that may not put money in your bank account right away.

Direct download: How_To_Make_10000_Per_Hour.mp3
Category:Mindset, Growth, and Success -- posted at: 7:45am EDT

In this episode, Blaine talks about the different KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) and metrics most appraisal businesses use to track and measure their business, and then introduces a new concept called ‘Return on Relationship’. ROR is a long term strategy of building relationships for profitability, fun, and long term growth. 

Direct download: Whats_Your_Return_On_Relationship-.mp3
Category:Mindset, Growth, and Success -- posted at: 8:23am EDT