The Real Value Podcast

In this episode, Blaine discusses the very important idea that you cannot save a job or industry that doesn't 'want' to be saved. The appraisal industry is changing at a very rapid rate and there are many who think the answer is coming together as an industry to lobby for the appraisal process to remain the same. While Blaine doesn't disagree that a good appraisal and a good appraisal process is important and vital to the loan process and the overall health of any real estate market, Blaine would argue that your efforts are better spent on your business and on getting out into your markets to educate the people at 'ground level', the Realtors, Lenders, and purchasers of real estate on why the appraisal process is important and how to choose a quality appraiser. 

Don't waste you precious time and vital life energy fighting against something that will happen regardless of your efforts to stop it! Save yourself by working on your own business and becoming the pre-eminent provider of real estate appraisal services in your market!


Direct download: Save_Yourself.mp3
Category:Appraisal and Real Estate -- posted at: 10:25am EDT

In this episode, Blaine talks about the missing piece in most businesses that can determine success, failure, or even just the difference between mediocre results and skyrocketed results! The missing piece is accountability and its one of he big missing pieces in most appraisal businesses. The real estate and mortgage industries tend to have much higher levels of accountability since most Realtors and Lenders work in offices with managers, other Realtors, and their brokers or owners.

Appraisers tend to be one and two person home offices with little to no accountability for their daily activities, their monthly targets, their profit goals (if they even have any), their marketing needs, and their daily productivity and efficiency. Most appraisers simply 'do' when it comes to appraising with nobody holding them accountable. Blaine strongly recommends finding an 'accountability partner' to help you move toward the goals and plans every appraiser should have to be more profitable with less time in the office. 

Direct download: Accountability.mp3
Category:Appraisal and Real Estate -- posted at: 10:02am EDT

In this episode, Blaine goes over the process to develop you Master Message, which comes out of the Master Mission process. The Master Message process follows closely the Storybrand 'one liner' exercise with a few slight changes. If you haven't read the Storybrand book by Donald Miller, it is highly recommended reading for developing your message.

This is a tactical and practical episode so be sure to have a pen and pad ready to take notes! The Master Message process is a detailed process that requires following very specific steps.  

Direct download: Master_Message.mp3
Category:Appraisal and Real Estate -- posted at: 11:16am EDT

In this episode, Blaine introduces the Hero’s Journey and how this story format can help us figure out what role we’re playing in the lives of our clients and customers. Blaine talks about the Story Brand concept, by Donald Miller, and how we’ll use some of the ideas and techniques to help build our Master Mission and then our Master Message, which is an extremely clarified statement of who we are, what we do, how we do it, and what problems we solve for our clients.


Direct download: dont_need_another_hero.m4a
Category:Appraisal and Real Estate -- posted at: 9:48am EDT